Dark social & irrelevance

We all know that “digital things” have changed a lot since 2010. But many brands & agencies are behaving today quite similarly to those days.

Lately, my professional focus has shifted to other areas, but I still have some thoughts on content and how (if they do) people pay attention to it. “Snackable content” (I learned the word recently) is still a great part of what brands do on social channels and they have not really changed their approach to it.

I strongly believe brands have to rethink why they publish.

Why? Irrelevance. There are two sides of the same reality today. People interaction with content in social is either paid or in dark social (Whatsapp, Messenger…) (some 84% of all shared contentAnything else is marginal. (Yes, margins can be a really good place, but this is not my topic today) And somehow efforts are still focused on it.

Over the years brands have been stuffing more and more content in the quest for relevance. Because is cheap and easy. Brands. Not people. At least publicly. The Global Web Index 2Q report on digital behaviors suggests that people publish or interact with 10% less content on Facebook than in 2013. (While the company increases constantly DAU´s and user base)


I do agree that there´ s a strong value – for the user – in thinking about why and what to publish but brand content is seen by few people, it´s hardly engaged and we are helping create the noise we don´t like. It´s not a thing on “making the content more catchy” it´s about rethinking why we publish.

I don´t have the answers. I can only think of creating a mindset for trying to be really relevant. My colleagues Mark and Joel have put together some thoughts on it.


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